
Call us to discuss serious projects


Adventural Cyclist

You can't talk about life, cycling, passion, .. if you haven't driven yourself modern and ancient bicyles in specific challenging  conditions. 

Content creator Journalist

I try to be an original content creator searching for the real passion of driving bicycles in nature with people. This results in original content (articles, blogs, photo's & video's)


Flandrien interprets life and cycling as Flandriens did 100 years ago and actualized their principles to the actual/future life and cycling. 

Event organizer/re-eneacter

I have the patent of Tour d'Honneur concept to celebrate our Flandriens. Also for other type of cycling projects contact me to set-up a nice cycling event. Also for film casting and other original projects.  

Historical research

With deep respect to exact and behavioral science, I search, analyse, interpret and publish the unique stories of the old Frandriens (1900-1939). I have a small archive, uses public data and unique family archives. If you have a piece, book or archive, contact me please to help history.

Historic bike collection (no trade/no museum)

I have a small active collection of historical bikes and most of them are used for our dynamic adventures. We are NOT a museum NOR a trade crook. If you have a historical bicycle who needs a carefull new owner just contact me.